Book Review | The Night is Darkening Round Me by Emily Brontë

24874353A collection of some of Emily Brontë’s most emotive and incredible poems. 

This poetry collection was a really incredible thing to read in the morning! The night is darkening round me is actually one of my favourite poems, so to have it in a book on my shelf finally is awesome!

Most of these poems are about death and depression, and I think for a little collection like this I would have liked more variety because she wrote some really beautiful poems about nature and not all of them are dark! I also would have liked all of them named or none of the named, but that’s just my personal preference!

The collection is really emotive. I really connected to Emily through some of the words that she wrote, and I think that it’s incredible what she has left behind. I actually annotated the book at one point, and wrote something along the lines of, “When she wrote these, did she know that in hundreds of years in the future someone would be reading them?”

All of the Brontë’s are awesome writers, and I love having a collection of Emily’s poems – now it’s time to move onto some of the other sisters! (Oh, and it’s contested that one of the poems in this minute collection might be Charlotte’s, which was a really interesting observation. I like that people obviously selected these poems, as opposed to just chucking them between two black and white covers.)

The Night is Darkening Round Me is #63 in the Little Black Classics collection. 

Rating: 4/5

Source: bought at a store. Perhaps Jarrolds?